Friday, July 1, 2011

Writing Is My Drug

It's the first thing I think about in the morning, the last thing I think about at night, and if I go without it too long I get pissy. I don't remember exactly when I started writing but I do know that I've been doing it ever since. I know I loved books even before I could read because I used to carry around a suitcase full of them. My dad used to tell me and my brother stories at bedtime that he'd made up and my mom has a stock pile of children's stories she's written buried somewhere, so I guess I come fell into writing naturally.

If an idea hits me no mater where I am or what I'm doing I have to write it out. This need to get what's in my head onto paper has led to many sleepless nights and many stories on napkins and receipts. One day when I was working in the first drive thru window at McDonald's I wrote then entire parody to a song on a strip of receipt paper. I've even written story ideas up and down my arm because I didn't have anything else.

I don't sit down and force myself to write something, actually I can't do that (with the exception of school essays). I had a friend ask me to write a poem to read at her wedding two weeks before the wedding. At first I went into panic mode trying to think of how I was going to come up with something and then I just relaxed. One week before the wedding at midnight, with no glasses and having just woken up I started writing. My hand didn't leave the paper for almost twenty minutes and when it did I had the poem I would read.

Writing keeps me going. It is my go to when I'm sad, angry, depressed, frustrated, or whatever I may be feeling. I write. When I write I'm some place else. I go somewhere where I can find myself. I write because I want to, because I have to . I write because it's my addiction.

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